Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Current trends in the social-economic development of the regional economy are based on the application of advances in digitalization. The digital transformation of regions does not lose its relevance. It results by the emergence of new approaches and models of sustainable development based on information technology, which in turn leads to regional competitiveness. The purpose of constructing ratings of the subjects of the Russian Federation on the level of digital transformation and competitiveness is to assess and rank the regions based on indices. It includes certain indicators, which ultimately leads to the adoption of sound management decisions focused on increasing regional competition. Analysis of the region’s competitiveness is one of the key characteristics of its comprehensive development. This issue has not been sufficiently studied in terms of quantitative analysis. The comparison of ratings in order to analyze the impact of digitalization on the competitiveness of Russian regions is a relevant issue of this study. The experience of Russian regions’ application of digital technologies has considerable potential. The implementation of the strategic priorities of digital transformation directly depends on the development of digital transformation strategy and the sequence of its implementation by regional authorities. And the regional competition heavily depends on digital transformation.

Ключевые слова:
digitalization, digital transformation, competitiveness, rating, correlation.
Список литературы

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