Transformation of personality and society in the context of digitalization of the labor market
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Abstract (English):
The modern development of social processes requires understanding some aspects of the transformation of public life, one of which is the digitalization of society. Under the influence of digital processes, the requirements for the individual and society in the labor market are being transformed. The purpose of the study is to test the hypothesis and summarize information on the digital skills of the individual and the digital needs of employers. The source of information for this study was information from the job search service and employees The basis of this research is economic and statistical methods and general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction). As a result of the study, it was determined that the impact on the individual and society from digital processes has a different color, which subsequently affects the labor market. The study is based on two aspects: firstly, the needs of enterprises in various industries for specialists from the required professions, and secondly, the inclusion of digital competencies in employers’ vacancies. The necessity of introducing two areas of the digital economy has been identified: the «core» and the «periphery». According to the first aspect, it was concluded that enterprises of the Russian economy are already more adapted to the modern realities of digitalization penetration into the economy, i.e. they are looking for specialists with digital skills. In the second aspect, attention is paid to the content of vacancies without reference to a specific enterprise, but taking into account its type of economic activity. The core of the digital economy in this aspect is only information and communication activities. Further scientific research of this study requires an extension of the time period of the study, as well as the formation of a requirement for a change in personality and society in the context of the transformation of the Russian economy and its acquisition of digital characteristics.

personality, society, labor market, «core» of the digital economy, «periphery» of the digital economy, vacancies, economic sectors
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