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Abstract (English):
Pervious concrete has the ability to permeate water through its structure, which makes it effective in creating drainage systems and culverts. The authors focus on analyzing the dependence of physical and mechanical properties of pervious concrete on formulation factors such as cement consumption, water-cement ratio and polypropylene fibre addition. The authors performed a complete two-factor experiment and regression analysis. It allows to determine the effect of each of the mentioned factors on the density, porosity and strength characteristics of the material. The results of the study show that the density and porosity of concrete samples, flexural and compressive strengths vary mainly with cement consumption. Changing the consumption of polypropylene fibre in the concrete mix has a negligible effect on strength but is important for improving other performance properties such as frost resistance. The study revealed that optimising the composition of pervious concrete, taking into account cement consumption and the addition of polypropylene fibre, allows the production of a construction material with the required strength and porosity values.

pervious concrete, polypropylene fibre, physical and mechanical properties, cement consumption, porosity, compressive and flexural strength
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