Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
the article examines the current state of the non-profit sector of the Russian economy and determines the place that socially oriented non-profit organizations occupy in it. The weak potential of socially oriented non-profit organizations as employers is noted, and the insignificant influence of these subjects on the course of processes characterizing changes in Russian society is emphasized. The institutional, financial, social and other problems that socially oriented non-profit organizations face in the course of their activities are identified. The research methods used in the article include statistical analysis and analysis of scientific literature on the functioning of subjects of the tertiary sector of the economy. As part of the definition of the main directions for optimizing the management of socially oriented non-profit organizations, the authors provide indicators that can be used to assess its effectiveness, substantiate a new approach to determining the range of management subjects. In order to increase the effectiveness of socially oriented non-profit organizations, it is proposed to strengthen the centralization of such management, ensuring direct participation of the public, the state and business in relevant processes. It is planned to implement this set of measures by creating an additional structure that will be a link between the management entities and the socially oriented non-profit organizations themselves. The advantages of the centralization described by the authors include improving the efficiency of the tertiary sector, more rational use of resources, the establishment of uniform quality standards, the creation of a control and reporting system, as well as the ability to collect and analyze data to further improve the work of organizations.
socially oriented non-profit organizations, social sphere, management, volunteering, fundraising, charity
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