Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper contains the comparative analysis of migration indicators in the regions of Central Russia. The aim of the study is to analyse population migration in the regions of Central Russia, to assess youth migration activity and to identify measures to retain young people in the regions. The socio-economic development strategies and SWOT-analysis of the regions show advantages and disadvantages of the regions due to their proximity to the Moscow agglomeration. Residents of Moscow, the Moscow, Vladimir, Kaluga, Tver and Tula regions are much more involved into interregional migration than in regional one. The regions around the Moscow agglomeration are competing to attract investment, skilled labour and talented young people. But the proximity to the Moscow metropolitan area creates economic and labour market opportunities for the regions. They related to the increasing pace of relocation of production and office functions from Moscow to the neighbouring regions, the arrival of investors, the strengthening of interregional links for supplies of food and textile industry, the migration of Moscow and the Moscow region residents to the country houses, etc. The study concludes and recommends the measures to retain young people in the regions.

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