Abstract (English):
Dear colleagues! The first issue of the journal "From Chemistry Towards Technology Step-By-Step" includes a wide range of papers dealing mainly with the synthesis of organic compounds and the abundance of ways to use them to produce novel substances that can be used in various fields of science and technology. Chemistry affects all aspects of human life – it is difficult to find a modern industry that does not use breakthroughs in chemistry or apply its laws that determine the progress of society. The progress in technology and science is impossible without rational attitude to natural resources, organization of competent approach to solving environmental problems of our time. The progress is unthinkable without producing composite materials and developing ground-breaking engineering solutions, methodological foundations for research of non-traditional raw food, rational use of complex equipment. All these solutions belong to chemistry and chemical engineering. I hope that they will serve as the subject of constant discussion in the new journal, and that, in turn, will nurture the target audience. I wish this scientific and technical periodical a dynamic development and a steady rating growth!