Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
UDK 549.731.13 Магнетит
As a result of the expanding directions of application of magnetic liquids, it becomes necessary to obtain a large amount of magnetite. The most common method of obtaining magnetite is its chemical condensation, both from pure components and from iron-containing waste of machine-building industries. Magnetite obtained from waste is as high as magnetite obtained from pure components. In addition, the cost of such magnetite is much lower. The article describes an electrochemical method for obtaining magnetite for wastewater treatment of electroplating production from the waste of cutting sheets of steel. A solution of sodium chloride was chosen as the electrolyte. The article presents the main stages of obtaining electrochemical magnetite, the results of measuring the saturation magnetization of samples of dispersed magnetite. The measurements were carried out at room temperature using a vibrating magnetometer in magnetic fields up to 1 Tl. We obtained the Mossbauer spectrum of an electrochemical magnetite sample. Magnetite, obtained by the electrochemical method, was used for the treatment of electroplating production washing wastewater as an adsorbent of copper ions. The paper presents the process of magnetite adsorption of copper ions and the scheme of the purification method. Studies of adsorption treatment of electroplating wastewater from copper ions show the high efficiency process level up 92.0-98.4%.
magnetite, waste from cutting steel sheets(chips), magnetic liquid, adsorption wastewater treatment
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