In particular, the consideration of the capitalist economy as a device containing non-market and multi-level market production, producing and not producing markets, makes it possible to detect changes in the ratio of fixed and variable capital consumption under the control of an invisible hand, which, according to M. Blaug [1, p.210] are necessary to fulfill both «Marx’s macro conditions» [2]: equality of the sum of values to the sum of prices and equality between total profit and total surplus value. This makes it possible to establish the dependence of the income of capitalists on the actual, on their part, investments of variable capital, to determine the size of the mark-up on working capital when the full prices of goods are formed, as well as the values of wholesale and retail prices, taking into account the inclusion of trading capital in shares in industrial capital and taking into account circulation time of capital. Marginalism involves the study of a far-fetched object and subject that does not actually exist, since it has been established that marginalism is inapplicable to a society “with developed commodity production” [3, p. 170]), and Gossen’s postulates contradict, for example, the provisions of the science of “hygiene”. It is significant that marginalism requires the continuity of the choice function, which is not actually observed. However, whether the function is continuous or not, the acquisition by the results of the exchange of each of the parties of the greatest utility, if this does not bring the parties (with equal opportunities) equal total utilities or is not associated with the exchange of equal utilities, then competition should correct this and lead to an assessment of the value (of exchange properties) by the integral utility of the product, but not by its marginal utility, which basically excludes the use of marginalism.
money, capital, profit, price, cost, value, marginal utility, rate of return, demand, supply.
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