Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
The purpose of the article is to consider the infrastructure of the financial market in the totality of its constituent elements, as well as the functions performed by these elements in the system of social reproduction in the political and economic aspect. The author sees the appeal to the creative legacy of K. Marx and political economy as very relevant, which is connected with the trends in the development of the modern market economy, such as the structural transformation of the financial market and its infrastructure; the increasing role of finance in the national and global economy; the predominance of speculative transactions in the total volume of transactions in the financial market, which are only a redistribution of existing capital between players in the financial market. Despite these trends, it should be emphasized that the need for the existence of a financial market in a market economic system is beyond doubt, since in modern conditions it largely determines the movement of the real sector. In the article, based on K. Marx's theory of capital, the modern financial market is presented as a fictitious capital market, which, on the one hand, promotes the mobilization and redistribution of monetary capital between industries with the help of a developed financial market infrastructure. On the other hand, being alienated from the movement of real capital, fictitious capital is able to form "financial bubbles" and develop various fraudulent schemes (for example, the emergence of dummy firms), create opportunities for the centralization of real capital in the interests of the global financial oligarchy. Since the infrastructure of any market exists inseparably from the market itself, the infrastructure of the financial market is shown as a set of organizations serving fictitious capital; as a result of the development of economic relations. Attention is drawn to the role of various types of financial market infrastructure in the implementation of the normal reproductive process.
financial market, fictitious capital, financial market infrastructure, social reproduction
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