State Treasury Educational Institution of Higher Education
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
In the context of ongoing political and economic changes, it becomes necessary to regularly monitor the socio-economic situation in various countries. Any crises and upheavals have a strong impact on the living standards of the population. One such indicator is the average wage. The objectives of this study are: grouping statistical information by geographical sectors and determining the influence of individual factors on average wages, primarily the fact of urbanization. The study showed little fluctuation in average hourly wages across regions of France, with the exception of the Île-de-France region, in which the city of Paris is located. In this region, the average salary exceeds the national average by about 25%. This is due to the high average hourly wages in some districts of Paris, where the country's main political authorities are located. One of the results of the work carried out is the lack of official statistics on the data of the "black" labor market that exists in the overseas territories of the country, as well as the lack of data on the average length of the working week in various regions of France. In our opinion, it would be more reliable to take into account the average monthly or average weekly, rather than average hourly wages. The work reveals a certain impact of urbanization on the level of average hourly wages in the regions of the country.
person, France, Paris, statistics, standard of living of the population, average wage, social inequality, geographical regions of France, political power.
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