Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Nowadays monopolies are considered mainly only as a market fiasco, but this is not quite true, because everything depends on the policy of the monopoly firm. The path of formation of modern monopolies is traced and the main ideas of scientists about monopolies themselves and their activities are highlighted. It is assumed that the interpretation of the concept of "monopoly", put forward earlier by well-known economists, is somewhat outdated and does not reflect the current situation in the market, so this paper will use a slightly different view of monopolies. The paper considers monopolies as a positive result of competition, i.e. monopolies do more good than harm, as it takes into account that many negative effects of monopolies are neutralised by the government's policy of regulating the activities of economic entities with a dominant position in the market. In addition, the article not only highlights the benefits and harms of monopolies, but also formulates new methods of regulating the activities of monopolies, taking into account their advantages and disadvantages. This article aims to analyse whether monopolies can be useful to society, to highlight the main positive consequences of the existence of monopolies in the market. The relevance of this study is due to the fact that earlier studies in the field of analysing the efficiency of the activity of large economic agents of the market at the moment do not reflect the real situation in the studied area, so it is necessary to conduct additional analysis, which will show the impact of monopoly companies on the current market structure and on the basis of which it will be possible to draw conclusions about their role in the economy of the current period.
antitrust regulation, dominant position, big business, monopoly, small business, methods of controlling monopoly activities, benefits of monopolies, concept of monopoly.
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