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Abstract (English):
The design of buildings, especially during the layout and development phase of low heat and energy structures, requires a distinct identification of energy efficiency and performance objectives. Also it should consider the flow and inflow of energy and thermal systems. It allows the project to comply with the client's and designer's requirements regarding the energy efficiency class. The required energy base for the development of construction objects is established by observing a number of approaches. These include the following ones: functional - facilities are convenient for the process; technical - facilities protect people from harmful effects; architectural and artistic expressiveness - facilities have a favourable effect on the persons’ psychological condition; economic - the building uses maximum useful area with minimum labour, financial and time costs on its construction. In terms of cost-effectiveness, the requirements apply to costs over the facilities life cycle.

construction project, facilities, energy-saving structures, life cycle, energy efficiency class, air exchange, buffer capacity, humidifier
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