Vladimir, Russian Federation
Vladimir, Vladimir, Russian Federation
The problem related to the preservation of the people and the improvement of the population both on the scale of Russia and the republics of the former USSR is formulated. Statistics proving high mortality among children and other categories of the population, including in the context of a number of old-industrial regions, are presented. The theoretical basis for solving the tasks of national preservation and health improvement of the population, including the strategy of "Snooks" (anthropo-reproductive strategy), is summed up. The conceptual apparatus of a "Healthy society" is revealed and the directions of research on the formation of a healthy society are determined: the philosophical direction of the psychological and pedagogical direction, medical, classical, synthetic. It is proved that a healthy lifestyle is an interdisciplinary concept and an object of study of economic sciences, sociology and medicine, the concepts (theories) of health improvement are substantiated: economic resources and social potential; theory of human capital; theory of a healthy lifestyle; healthy lifestyle: economic, social, medical transformations; theory of health saving; health improvement of the nation and their characteristics are given. In the applied plan, several groups of components for improving the health of the population are identified, including: physiological, psychological, social, environmental and their properties are disclosed. Focusing on them, five components of a healthy lifestyle are highlighted: health culture, proper nutrition, physical education, personal hygiene, rejection of bad habits. In conclusion, a conceptual view is formulated and fundamental provisions are put forward on the process of people's preservation as a process of qualitative improvement of the nation, allowing from the position of strategic planning to propose a solution to research problems on the problems of people's preservation on the basis of building interdepartmental relations and the formation of new economic relations between the participants in the process.
naro preservation, improvement of the population, healthy lifestyle, health culture, healthy society.
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