Central Bank Digital Currency and Cryptocurrency: New Opportunities or Threats
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Abstract (English):
Item. The need to ensure technological and financial development implies the active use of digital technologies. Modern economic literature provides information about digital currencies, but the question of their ability to act as investment assets and in the form of instruments of the state’s monetary policy has not been sufficiently developed. Methodology. The work uses general scientific methods of a systematic approach, analogy and scientific abstraction. The purpose of the article is to provide comparative information about digital currencies, characterize their positive and negative properties, and suggest directions for their use. The main results of the study. Purposeful, planned investment can be realized through the programming of digital investment money. At the same time, there is a high likelihood that digital money and big data will be used to harm individuals or society as a whole. Therefore, the use of data should be strictly regulated. These characteristics of cryptocurrencies encourage legislators around the world to unify the legal system. With insufficient state control in the new global financial architecture, a key role may be given to private high-tech supranational elites and central banks, which may not coincide with public interests. Scope of the research results. The study can assist in the use of digital money for purposeful investment in the real sector and in separating them into a separate circuit that does not intersect with the cash circuit. There is detailed information about the possible difference in the contours of monetary circulation in other studies, but in this article this difference is considered as protecting the consumer sector from the risks of digital programming. Conclusions. It seems that the digital currency of the central bank (CBDC) in the wholesale circuit and in the hybrid form, including elements of a centralized system and distributed registries, can become a promising financial instrument. The use of the Central Bank of Central Banks can contribute to the implementation of the state investment policy and thus will ensure a planned, socially oriented approach to the selection of investment objects. CBV in the retail circuit carries the threat of limiting the freedom of consumption.

Digital currencies; cryptocurrencies; central bank digital currency
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