Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
This article discusses the introduction of digital technologies into production processes at enterprises of traditional industries, in particular in the electric power industry. The very emergence of the term "digital economy" is associated with the transition to a new stage of management in all industries. The digital economy as an economy of a new technological order already plays a huge role in ensuring economic development, increasing the competitiveness of industries and companies, and also contributes to the formation of new markets and industries, new ways of interaction between economic entities. The introduction of solutions using digital technologies helps to significantly reduce the costs of companies and reduce the likelihood of critical situations. The essence of digitalization is the automation of processes - the transfer of information to a more accessible digital environment, where it is easier to analyze it, and then get an accurate solution autonomously and at the same time, make the process "flexible". Special attention in the article is paid to the possibilities and prospects of using the achievements of the digital economy in solving issues of occupational safety and industrial safety. The purpose of this article is to consider the possibilities of using digital technologies in the production processes of enterprises in traditional sectors of the economy, to analyze the impact of digitalization on the competitiveness and success of companies at the present time. For example, the use of cloud storage and remote diagnostics of equipment should contribute to the emergence of innovative approaches to the organization of production processes and the expansion of the potential of enterprises, as well as the formation of advanced technological solutions. In general, the use of digital automated technologies makes it possible to use resources more efficiently, increase labor productivity and thereby increase business efficiency and earn additional profit, despite significant additional costs for their implementation.
digital solutions, digitalization, business processes, control methods, mineral and energy resources.
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