St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Translational barriers have a significant negative impact on the pace of healthcare modernization. The main reasons for the low rate of implementation of medical breakthroughs into clinical practice are considered to be: the difficulty of establishing contact between scientific groups and physicians; the unattractiveness of investments in healthcare solutions in terms of the return on investment; limited funding. Medical innovation hubs can become an effective mechanism for reducing the impact of translational barriers on the medical industry. Innovation hubs are the centers of concentration of infrastructure for medical innovation, an access point to a community of experts and their operation activities are supported by digital platforms that provide project management services, “data donation” and those contribute to marketing promotion of the hubs. This article discusses the concept of "innovation hub"; provides an overview of domestic and international experience in creating healthcare innovation hubs, presents a model of the innovation hub ecosystem, including such elements as a start-up studio, a digital platform, a professional community, sites for preclinical and clinical trials and others; hub functional landscape model; and reference high-level healthcare hub architecture model. General scientific research methods are used: empirical analysis, comparison, generalizations, modeling, systematic method, scientific definition. Medical hubs help accelerate the transfer of discoveries into medical practice, reduce healthcare costs, and improve the quality of medical services. In addition, it is shown that the creation of innovation hubs on the basis of higher educational institutions and research centers can be an effective approach to involving young people in research and high-tech entrepreneurial activities, thereby contributing to the implementation of youth policy in Russia.
innovation hub, medical innovation hub, startup studio, innovation ecosystem, youth policy, high-tech entrepreneurship.
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