Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
The positive dynamics of digital transformation are a result of the growth in technical and informational progress within society. The modernization of existing economic models, the adoption of advanced technologies, and the creation of new production processes impact the correlation between the social and economic environment, contributing the quality of life. Digital transformation not only enhances economic productivity but also reshapes the sociocultural landscape. Society improves its knowledge, leading to increased experience, heightened consumer activity, and the acquisition of new digital skills. To ensure sustainable and balanced digital transformation, it is important to consider the interests of society and pay attention to aspects of infrastructure development, education, and the accessibility of digital technologies. In the described scenario the symbiosis of the social and economic environment in the era of digital transformation promote the development of an digital society. The methodological framework of the research is built on the general scientific principles of a systemic approach, as well as the methods of logical, factor, criteria, and comparative analysis. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the key trends and directions in the digitization of the economy is contextually employed. The presented article places an emphasis on the analysis of the socio-economic environment that influences the nature of development in the sectors of Russia's digital infrastructure, using several regions as examples. Improving the availability of broadband internet and digital devices contributes to the growth of digital literacy. Supporting the youth plays a significant role in this process, as they actively engage with digital technologies and assist the older generation in acquiring digital skills. A dynamic trend in the development of digital infrastructure has been identified, and factors influencing the level of digital literacy and access to digital services in various regions of Russia have been analyzed. The scientific work underscores the importance of strategic efforts to reduce digital inequality and enhance the accessibility of digital services for all layers of the population. The development of digital infrastructure and digital skills of the population are closely intertwined.
digital transformation across industries, quality of consumer experience, digital society
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