Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the study of the prerequisites for ensuring sustainable economic growth in the digital economy, taking into account the importance of establishing socio-technological guidelines. Citing a debate regarding the degree of dependence/freedom of a modern individual on the level of technological development, the article emphasizes that achieving high rates of sustainable economic growth should be appropriately accompanied by ensuring a positive social effect, consisting in increasing the well-being of all members of society. Based on cross-country comparisons of population dynamics and GDP growth rates, very contradictory trends in the sustainability of economic growth rates in some countries of the world have been identified. For the period 2000-2022. There is a clear pattern of fast-growing economies around the world - India, China, Brazil, as well as countries with small populations, such as Guyana. The variability of factors influencing the economic growth of countries is substantiated, depending on the level of technical and technological development of the country and the structure of the economy. In the digital economy, technology plays a decisive role in ensuring sustainable economic growth. The use of digital technologies is currently accompanied, among other things, by an orientation towards Industry 5.0 - a new paradigm of industrial development associated with the humanization of technology, resilience and sustainable development of industrial ecosystems. The inseparability of technological and social determinants of sustainable economic growth in the digital economy is substantiated. The social determinants of sustainable economic growth in the digital economy of Russia are highlighted. It is substantiated that the sustainability of economic growth in the digital economy is ensured both through the introduction and maintenance of a high level of technologization of state development, the formation of the economic structure in accordance with the development of technologies, and by improving the quality of life of the population.
economic growth, sustainable development, sustainable economic growth, digital economy, social guidelines.
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