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Abstract (English):
Stat'ya yavlyaetsya prodolzheniem pervoy chasti, posvyaschennoy fundamental'nym osnovaniyam sovremennogo i buduschego razvitiya ekonomiki, obschestva, mirovogo soobschestva. V etoy chasti stat'i avtory delayut popytku dopolnit' koncepciyu kosmicheskogo prednaznacheniya chelovechestva i obschestvennogo intellekta raskrytiem dal'neyshih perspektiv razvitiya chelovecheskogo obschestva, opirayas', v kachestve ishodnoy pozicii na analiz suschestvuyuschih segodnya social'no-ekonomicheskih otnosheniy. Oni, na vzglyad avtorov, dolzhny byt' sozvuchny ukazannomu prednaznacheniyu cheloveka po toy prichine, chto u lyudey postepenno dolzhno vyrabatyvat'sya, vospityvat'sya i vystupat' neposredstvennym elementom haraktera, zhiznennogo sostoyaniya chuvstvo ih soprichastnosti k buduschim velikim sversheniyam. This article is a continuation of the first part, devoted to the fundamental bases of contemporary and future development of the economy, society and the world community. In the second part authors attempt to complement the concept of cosmic destiny of humanity and the public intelligence by disclosure of further prospects of development of human society, basing as a starting position on the analysis of the current social and economic relations. Authors think that they are should be consistent with the specified destination of the human because of people should gradually develop their sense of complicity to of the future great achievements.

meaning of life, evolution, universe, destiny of the human race, class, formation
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